Saturday, December 20, 2008

Happy PINK Saturday! 12/20/08

Happy PINK Saturday! 12/20/08

Hi friends! It is time for another PINK Saturday post!! Our sweet hostess for this ever-growing event is Beverly of How Sweet the Sound, so please visit her blog here to see all of this week's participants. Our list has rapidly grown to over 100 & you will be amazed at all the pretty pinkness out there!! And I'm especially honored that you are visiting with me this week as it is SUCH a busy busy holiday time!

Aren't these PINK Victoria's Secret Gloves just too too cute?

My favorite PINK picture of all time ~ our granddaughter, my pink bottle brush Christmas tree, & our PINK bedroom tree. I've used this pic before but I just love it love it love it!
My birthday was Monday, & I got some fantastic gifts for bday, Christmas & for being a new "Grandma" again soon, so I wanted to share a bit ot that with you today, too!

Especially since much of it was PINK ~ yeah!!!!

My sweet friend & PRH sister Jen of Jennifer's Petal Palace surprised me with all kinds of goodies. I tell ya, that girl is soooo talented.......

Aren't these just awesome?!?! And this isn't all the stuff I got ~ just the pink stuff!!!

My all time favorite ~ a scrumptious ice cream cone ornie!! Oh, how I love it!

Look, Amy ~ I got some cupcake ornies!!!! Just what I was talking about wanting!!

And Vic, now I don't have to envy you any more!! I've got my very own cream hand vase with Jen's famous beautiful roses on it!

Now girls, Jen is just 1/2 of a very dynamic duo ~ her mother Shirl of Shirl's Rose Cottage is also such a talented lady that I feel so honored to call a very dear friend. We are definitely kindred spirits. She also gifted me with some beautiful things & her handmade tags & wrappings were just as glorious as what was inside.......

Now if you want to know what is in these beautiful packages you will have to come back again soon. I'll be posting lots of my birthday & Christmas goodies from many of my dear friends.

I've fallen a bit behind in posting, but for a very good reason. Daughter is soon to birth our new little grandson ~ just found out sooner rather than later (due date Jan. 20th) as she is already dilating ~ so my poor little brain has been a bit, well, shall we say, scattered today! But all will eventually be posted......that is unless daughter calls to say it is time to leave for the hospital!!

In any case, I'm sure this will be our merriest Christmas EVER & I'm hoping the same for all of you, my sweet friends!

Happy Pink Saturday Hugs,


Tardevil said...

Of all the gifts though, now wouldn't he be the sweetest? Love all you're gifts - their talent is amazing! Hope you had a wonderful birthday & will have a wonderful Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Stephanie ~

Happy Belated Birthday! You received some very beautiful gifts. I love the cupcakes and the ice cream cone is 2die4.


Sondra Behne' said...

Everything looks so gorgeous. You must of had a wonderful day. I am so happy for you.

I too love the wrappings and old cards and tags, we need to find more of those. Brings back such good memories.


Jennifer said...

Steph,Your grandaughters pic is so pretty!!You are so sweet.Thank you so much for the sweet comments.I am happy you like everything.

I love the card Mom sent you.

Prayers to your family and give Bree a hug from us.Have wonderful weekend.Hugs to your Mom too.

Have a Very Merry Blessed Christmas,Jen

Unknown said...

Oh MY dear sweet Steph! So glad you were spoiled on your birthday! Jen did good! Love all those vintage girls..especially when they are all decked out in pink.

Hugs...and PINK Thoughts to you!!! Lorena

Anonymous said...

Boy did you have a lovely birthday.Everything is scrumptious....Ann

suesueb said...

for some reason some of the pics didn't come through but the ones that did are gorgeous! love that hand vase-it's so different. happy pink saturday!!

Unknown said...

Great Pink Saturday post!!!
Merry Christmas!

Vylat said...

Happy Pink Saturday and Merry Christmas to you. I love your blog. Such gorgeous lovely decorations. I'm posting about huggable trees. Hope you'll drop by.

Anonymous said...

What a great collection!
And the little princess...awhhh she is adorable!
I enjoyed my visit!
Have a great weekend!

SmilingSally said...

Well, Happy Birthday! It looks like someone knows that you like pink! Happy Pink Day!

Donna @ Party Wishes said...

What a lovely pink post! Have a Merry Christmas!


Stephanie, by the looks of it you scored the mother lode for your birthday!! And congrats on being a grandma again.

Your granddaughter really bears a striking resemblance to you in your childhood photo! So pretty!

Betty said...

Happy Belated Birthday Stephanie! I forgot that we shared a birthday! Your gifts are wonderful!!
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Holidays, Stephanie. And, happy belated birthday. I'll be anticipating that sweet new life coming to your family.

All your presents are glorious. And, that picture you shared is so sweet and so pretty.

Glennis said...

What wonderful things! I hope you had a lovely time celebrating your birthday!

Love the old vintage graphics. So charming.

Fifi Flowers said...

Pretty Post! Happy Pink Saturday! ENJOY! Fifi

Connie said...

Just lovely......all of it, sweet sister......Smooches for mum and B,

Sarah Bella's said...

What a pretty little girl.

Ellen said...

Seasons Greetings..Happy Birthday and Congratualations...loved looking at all you lovely pink gifts. Wishing your DD a peaceful easy birth. Happy Holidays to you and yours :)EllenL

Shirl said...

Hi Steph, Happy Pink Saturday, Autumn looks so cute in this pic. I'm so glad that you had a nice birthday. Glad you liked you gifts. Waiting on the blessed event!!!!!
Love You, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

imjacobsmom said...

You made the motherlode on your birthday. You've got a lot of cute pinkies there Not to mention the sweetest granddaughter! Hope you are having a Happy Pink Saturday! ~ Robyn

Anonymous said...

So many pretty things, Stephanie! Lucky you! Please tell me: What is a PRH sister? I see this often in blog land but can't figure it out!

~ Hearts ~

Unknown said...

Oh Steph! Everything is just so beautiful from Jen and Shirl! I love Jen's faux goodies!!!

Autumn looks so beautiful in that picture, oh my gosh!!! Your grandbaby's due date is the day after my birthday! Though it sounds like Bree wont make it that long. Maybe a Christmas baby? Oh I bet you are all just so excited!! I cant wait to hear and see pics!!

Love you Steph! Happy Birthday :)

KatCollects said...

I love all of your pictures, especially your Granddaughter. Happy belated pink Saturday.

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Steph, Happy Birthday to you! These presents are WONDERFUL. I LOVE Jenn's birthday cake and that cone is scrumptious!!!!! You are right about the dynamic duo! Shirl is fantastic. I love that birthday tag and her little touches are amazing. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas. I'm a little late on mailing your book, but it will be in the mail tomorrow. Hugs to your family....oh yeah, that is a great pic of your granddaughter. Beautiful tree in the background.

The Muse said...

I believe i will leave this blog, sweeter than when I arrived!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated Pink Saturday and Happy Birthday. I loved all your pinks..specially the cupcake and ice cream ornaments. They're beautiful.. Have a most wonderful Christmas..

Lori said...

Love the cupcakes, BOY Jen is something!!! And the cake cookie, gotta have one!! Love,Lori

Anonymous said...

Oh how pretty!

Vintage To Chic said...

Hi Lady, Got my package on Friday and was so delighted, The ornaments are awesome and so is the little frame. Will treasure them always,
Happy new years,