Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween 2009 ~ Pink Saturday 10/31/09

Happy Halloween
Happy PINK Saturday!

My sweet lil punkin is spending the night so this is just short and sweet today.....
just like my lil punkin is!!


Have a safe and happy Halloween!

Bugs and Hisses,

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween ~ Texas Style!

Halloween is almost upon us, so thought I would share some cute pics of hay bales that have been all duded up for the holiday! Now, I'm not saying these are all really from TX ( I just found these pics ), but we've got so many round hay bales around here in our part of the state that it kind of makes me want to get my good ol' can of black Krylon out and......

I've designed and sold jewelry for over 10 years and love doing it. I often keep some of my favorite pieces....

Here's the sweetest lil punkin I've seen in a loooong time.....

Best Witches,

Saturday, October 24, 2009


If its Saturday, it must be PINK SATURDAY, right?!?

Sharing with you a pretty vintage footed vase with yellow roses and tiny pink florals that hubby bought for me.

It looks so pretty on my antique washstand with the very similar clock that hubby gifted me with a few months back. Do you think he even remembered that they would match? Nah, me neither, just a lucky fluke!!

~ click picture to enlarge ~

Please visit our sweet hostess Beverly of How Sweet the Sound for more pretty pinkness in this orange and black month!


Saturday, October 17, 2009


~ Click on pictures to enlarge ~

I've been away from the computer much of this past week and wasn't thinking that I would even be able to do a Pink Saturday post, but I think I've only missed one other since the inception of Beverly's terrific idea and couldn't bear to miss I quickly posted some pink pics that I had saved back for you today.

The above and below pics are from our bedroom. The rose covered pink and white casserole sitting atop the pink plateau mirror and the handpainted china plate are among my favorite possessions. The family photo was made at my parent's 50th wedding anniversary in 2004.

I sell the Lenox porcelain vases on my selling blog Angelic Accents a la Carte. That is also where you can find the pretty pink, yellow/ white teacup and saucer.

Please stop by and visit our beautiful hostess, Beverly of How Sweet the Sound for a list of more PINK SATURDAY participants. Hope everyone has a safe and blessed weekend!


Saturday, October 10, 2009


~ click picture to enlarge ~

One of my antique mirrors, this one with beveled scallops, etched florals, and convex bull's eyes.
I love my silver mint julep cup that my parents gave me and I have it filled with pink roses.
A cream pin money purse with pink roses sits atop some of my father-in-law's old school books and a delicate lace hanky.

These two stuffed chairs and ottomans are from
Aren't they just the cushiest, most comfy looking things ever?!?!

Found this pink Crosley Pay Phone ~ I'd love to have one of these! Wouldn't it be a fun conversation starter?!?!

Day-tripping today, but will soon visit my pink girlfriends! Please stop by and visit our hostess, Beverly of How Sweet the Sound for more PINKNESS today!


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Black Twiggy Tree

It's beginning to look .......

a tad spooky........

I grabbed a small twiggy branch, sprayed it black and added some of my vintage style felt ornaments and cross-stitch mini pillows.....
Now, it is starting to look a bit more like Halloween around here!

Halloween Hugs,

Saturday, October 3, 2009


I just love my antique mirrors ~ this beautifully carved one doesn't match my shabby cottage decor in the family room, so I'm selling it. But it sure does reflect the beauty of pink roses!

Digging through some of my old dress patterns, I found this one that my MIL made for our daughter to wear in a wedding years ago. I need to find a picture of her wearing this to share with you. Her flower girl dress was in pale blue, but I thought the pattern just perfect for PINK SATURDAY!

We toured several new homes recently and I noticed that there seems to be a new style chandelier being featured. A blingy fixture surrounded by a silk "drum" shade. Not sure if I like this trend or not. Just give me unadulterated B L I N G !!!

Ahhh, a PINK bathroom with a gorgeous Venetian Glass Mirror as featured in Domino Magazine

Sweetness herself, Miss Beverly of How Sweet the Sound is our ever faithful hostess each Saturday for PINK SATURDAY. Please stop by her blog and say hello and check out the list of other participants. You will be glad you did!

One that I recently visited and would like to introduce you to is Martha of Martha's Favorites. Any gal that is a self-professed "serial collector" is MY kind of gal!! Martha has a beautiful blog and you will love her!