Diorama Eggs & Sweet Friends Just had to share some sweet items that my dear PRH "sister", Vickie sent to me recently. We "chat" quite often as we are both members of a decorating group, but we have never met. Come to find out we are in fairly close proximity, live in the same state a few hours apart, & she has a sister that lives only about 20 mins. from me, so hopefully some day we will meet face to face. That is the great thing about the internet ~ it brings people with like interests together & often times, special bonds are made with our "virtual" friends! We do have a special connection, & she knows I collect wedding memorabilia, so looky what she found for me at an estate sale!!
I've never seen an egg diorama of a wedding scene before, but isn't this one just grand?!?! I adore the vintage silver trim & sweet little pearls all around the opening. And it has such a wonderful little scene inside of a very intricately detailed wedding party! And it has pretty sparkles all over! I'm especially fond of it, as daughter is getting married soon, so we are all in the "WEDDING" mode around our house!!Vickie is so sweet, she even included a surprise in my package for my little granddaughter ~ her very own hand-decorated Bunny Egg!! She was thrilled with it, consenting for me to keep it only long enough to snap a quick picture. It is a heavenly shade of blue with lots of gold trim & gold wheels, a little cart topped with a cute bunny & sweet little vintage florals, being pulled by another little bunny.
Thanks so much for the fun surprises in my mailbox, Vic!!