1. I am addicted to BLING, GLITTER, ROSES, & anything PINK!
2. I am addicted to BLOGS, Romantic Country & Romantic Homes Magazines!
3. I am addicted to HGTV!
4. I am addicted to ANTIQUE MIRRORS & LAMPS / Vintage Lighting!
5. I am addicted to Wedding Memorabilia & Vintage Christmas items!
Now, I pass this award along to blogs I love and I'm addicted to......
1. Cindy at Romantic Home
2. Celeste at La Rea Rose
3. Tardevil at Confessions of a 40-Something Mama Queen
4. Shirl at Shirl's Rose Cottage
5. Gollum at Designs by Gollum
Here are the rules for the Sisterhood Award recipients:
1.Put the logo on your blog or post.
2.Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
3.Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4.Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5.Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
Now here are 10 of my friends that comment often on my blog posts & make me feel special ~ they are each truly special in their own ways ~ stop by & visit them soon ~ you'll be blessed!
1. Vickie of Visuals by Vickie
2. Nikki at The Scarlett Rose Garden
3. Connie at Living Beautifully
4. Jen at Jennifer's Petal Palace
5. Joy at Joy to the Blog
6. Lorena at Rose Chic Friends
7. Mary at Isabella's Closet
8. Laurie at Charming Designs
9. Amy at Bunny Rose Cottage
10. Judy at Vintage to Chic
My fun & sweet friend Penny (Tardevil ) of Confessions of a 40-Something Mama Queen passed on this sweet award to me proclaiming to all that I am a great mother, and I am so glad she did!! I couldn't be more honored. Truly! I consider being Mother to my precious daughter & Mimi to my two grandchildren my greatest accomplishments in life. I truly LIVE for THEM! So thanks soooo very much, Tar, for this neat award.
This award was originally passed on by "Wibeche" from ourdreams-wr and she is located in Norway, so we're passing around an international award! I don't read Norwegian, but I've been told that it means:
"This is an award for being a wonderful Mom
You do fantastic work
Be proud of your accomplishments!"
I would love to pass this award on to the following:
Karen of Second Hand Rose
Ele of A Bit of Pink Heaven
Amy of Four Sisters in a Cottage
Lori of Pink Faded Roses
Rachael of The Rose Room
Dionne of Cherub Wishes
And all my other blogging friends who have the biggest hearts & always the best interest of their children in mind.
Thank you! I'm very honored that you are addicted to my blog! LOL
I have so many addictions but at least they don't hurt anyone and they make me happy! Mine are very similar to yours!
and well-deserved awards!
Hi Steph, Congrats on your awards. You deserve them all so much. Thank you for passing on the addiction award to me. I am truly honored. I have a bunch of addictions too and they reflect most of yours!
Thank you for stopping by and your sweet comment.
I will see you again soon.
Thanks again sweetie,
Love ya, Celestina Marie
I'm watching HGTV right now while I catch up on my blogs!!! :)
Hi Stephanie,
Thanks so much for that award, and congrats on all of yours! You deserve them all! I have already posted the one you were so kind to give to me, but I will add your name on to the acknowledgment! Thanks again. You crack me up w/ your "co-operation".
Congratutions on your awards.
your blog is devine
Hello my twin-sie! How that yummy little fella doing?? Yes, dear we do need something made with la-di-dah darling! Been nutty here, as always. Found out I have something, well what new about that huh? I'm like the most likely to have a health issue it seems! Now that little baby cup is precious! And so sweet of you to present with with this award! These kind really warms our hearts doesn't it? Sending love and hugs, Lori
Stephanie, thank you so much, that is a wonderful award to be given:) Rachaelxo
Stephanie, Congratulations on your awards!
Thanks so much it's truly an honor to receive the "SISTERHOOD AWARD" award from you.
You are such a sweetheart!!
Hugs & blessings ~Mary~ :-}
Awww Stephanie!!
Well deserved awards**You Rock!!
Thank you so much for mine as well...
So Sweet!!
Hi Steph! Congratulations on these wonderful awards! You deserve them all so much :) Thank you so much for passing these on to me!! I am so honored that you would think of me and my blog to pass them to!!
Love and hugs,
Hi Stephanie,
Thank you so much for the award and I finally got your blog to work. It was on my end. WHEW!!!! I was getting worried.
Hugs and love to you my friend, Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)
HI Steph, Congrats on all your awards. You deserve them, your blog is so inspiring! Thank you so much for passing the addiction award on to me, I'm honored. I'm hoping to do a post this week on awards and tags. We are having ice and snow here and my internet satelite has not been working.
Thank you so much Steph for stopping by and leaving such sweet comments on my blog!
Love you, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage
Hey Cindy; Congratulations on all the lovely awards. I am addicted to a lot of the same things you are.. Must be a girl thing..lol
It looks like 5 fun and harmless things to be addicted to! tee hee!
I think that award is so cute! Congratulations!
Have a lovely evening!
Margie :)
Hi Stephanie,Congrats on your award ,you have a wonderful blog,so you deserve it.And your a sweet lady to boot.Hugs Marie Antionette
Thank you for the bloggy love Stephanie!
Congrats on your well deserved awards!
Hello Stephanie, Please stop by and add one more awards to your list. You deserve all of them Sweet Lady. Hugs, Mary:)
Hi Stephanie!
Congrats on your awards and especially on your new Grandson!! I'm so happy for you and your family. It just doesn't get any better than this does it??
Big grandma hugs, Sherry
Congratulations on your lovely award....
Mo ;-)
You're so funny! Thanks for the laugh! Have a great weekend!
Congratulations on all your awards!
It does sound like we are a lot alike. Got to keep looking for those pink diamonds, so I'll be back to read more.
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