Thursday, April 16, 2009

Rooster Lamp

Rooster Lamp

I have a collection of rooster items in my kitchen & one of my favorites is my French Country Rooster Lamp. I have another just like it listed on eBay here if you are also interested in one.

I'm thinking I need to do a post of my rooster items soon. Who else collects roosters?

I'm also wanting to re-do my kitchen in a French Country theme so if you know of any inspirational sites for this, please let me know.

My 2 year blogiversary is coming up tomorrow!!!! I am planning a giveaway soon, but haven't had time to gather my items & picture them yet & the next few days are going to be busy around here, but hopefully next week I will be able to get the giveaway posted, so......STAY TUNED!!



Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Congratulations on two years. You have the most elegant blog on the block and I always enjoy it! Hope you and your precious family had a fabulous Easter full of love and hugs.

Melissa Miller said...

Hi Stephaanie, I'm just now starting to really like roosters. T
They are so fun!
Love your rooster lamp. I'll have to check it out.

I'm looking forward to your giveaway.
Congrats on two years!
Wow! I can't imagine...:)

Sonia said...

2 Years huh?? wow... it sure seems longer. It is a lot of fun...

Cathy said...

Hi Stephanie!
About the egg pictures...I did that on In the create section you can add a frame (like the polaroid one) and also the text which I just placed on top of the frame! :) I use picnik a lot. It's lots of fun!!

Cottage Rose said...

Wow two years blogging, congratulations... I just love that rooster lamp, it is just gorgeous.

Alaura said...

love that lamp and congratulations on your two years. Rachaelxo

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Stephanie, I love your rooster lamp. I am a rooster collector too.
I love the cabinet that it sits on. Really wonderful.

Congrats on your 2 years. Wow time flies. Your blog is lovely and always so inspiring. A beautiful reflection of you. Blessings for many more wonderful posts.

Looking forward to your giveaway.
Love, Celestina Marie

Tarnished Royalty said...

Thanks so much for visiting and leaving a sweet comment.

I'm not a rooster collector but that's a great rooster lamp! I have but one rooster item, an old framed print that used to hang in my mama's entry hall. She loved it and now it hangs in my dining room above a little antique sewing cabinet.

Unknown said...

Hi! Hand over that white on white rooster lamp (lol). Nice. :)

Unknown said...

Hi! Hand over that white on white rooster lamp (lol). Nice. :)

Nicolas Ford said...

I love rooster decor and would definitely check out your eBay listing.