Posted by
Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents
9:38 PM
sweet angels left comments
Labels: antique mirrors, pets, silver, vintage platters
Sounds like a new tv show, doesn't it?!?
Then upon returning home, I had a wonderful surprise! My sweet friend Mary from Isabella's Closet hosted a giveaway in honor of her 100th post & I was the lucky winner! She made me my fantastic new logo/banner!! Isn't it adorable? I just LOVE IT!! I have watched Mary's auctions on eBay & enjoyed her "Me" page there for well over a year. Imagine my surprise when I found out she had a blog! Girls, go to her auctions & her "Me" page & blog site to see some fantastic pictures of her home. You will fall in love with her unique style of decorating! Everything is simply exquisite! And she offers the best vintage items for sale, too. AND she is quite a designer of logos, too. It is great eye candy to just look at her auction templates to see all the pretty designs she uses. I'm thrilled with my new logo!! She is a true sweetheart & simply the kindest person you could ever hope to meet! Hugs & Kisses to you, Mary!!
My other sweet new friend Mary from Oh Merci had a package waiting for me on the porch when I got home yesterday. I had fallen in love with her little miniature chandeliers on her blog & asked her to make one for me & boy, did she deliver! If you know me or have read my blog at all, you well know that I have something of an addiction to pretty vintage lighting, so what could be more fitting than a mini-remembrance of said addiction?!?
Posted by
Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents
11:59 PM
sweet angels left comments
Labels: birthday, chandeliers, friends, New Logo, roses, vintage lighting
The DEGAS Ballerina Porcelain by Goebel. Even the back of it is so very pretty with its dainty floral wreath halo tossed recklessly on the ground!
Now for a little fun . . . . .
I found this on another blog and thought it would be fun to do. Enjoy
Pick your favorite of each one and print it in bold. Share on your blog!
Posted by
Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents
6:08 PM
sweet angels left comments
Labels: friends, fun, Lampe Berger
Posted by
Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents
12:09 AM
sweet angels left comments
Labels: antique mirrors, Gone With the Wind, vintage lighting, Wedding
Shannon at Paint Mine Pink ~ My dear sweet int'l. friend Shann can always make me giggle. You have the most beautiful home, chair collection, faux food, & THE most adorable child I've EVER seen! You are a multi-talented artiste!! I enjoy the funny blurbs you post on mine & others blogs more than you will ever know. You are deliciously wicked, in the best of ways! Special thanks to your mum, Coll at Coll's Garden for birthing such a treat!!
Heather at Pretty Petals Boutique ~ My sweet PRH Sister Heather, (uh-oh ~ I made you sound like a nun!), who has the most awesome home & sense of style. Your talent at display & helpful nature so inspire me. Your knowledge of linens is incredible, as is your collection! Special thanks to your sweet mother, Kitty at Reflections from the Stone Nest, for bringing such a sweet bundle into the world!
Mary at Isabella's Closet ~ A precious blogging friend with the biggest heart of anyone I know! She works & prays unselfishly for others & I would really want her in my corner in any difficult circumstance. Her cottage home is beyond awesome! I've looked & drooled over her "ME" page on eBay & was so happy to find her in the blogging world. Her crafting & style of decorating are just tops in my book! Oh, I would love to just be Sam or Isa for one day, so I could "play" in that adorable bedroom!!
Amy at Four Sisters in a Cottage ~ A true inspiration! Such a sweet loving spirit she has. She is constantly happy, upbeat & so strong even in the most difficult of situations.She shares her life & bears her soul & it is beautiful. Not to mention how talented she is! It is always a blessing to visit her sweet blog!
Ele at A Bit of Pink Heaven ~ Her blog name says it all. She is my PRH sister & not only is she a beautiful lady, but she has an awesome home AND a church studio, to boot! Can't beat that combination for a heavenly gal! She, too, is multi-talented & my dear friend, the yo-yo queen!
Karla at Karla's Cottage ~ This gal does it ALL! Paints, draws, decorates, entertains, cooks, shares it all on her blog. I usually wait til I have about 1/2 hr. to devote strictly to Karla, settle in with a big glass of iced tea & read & drool & dream to my heart's content on her blog. She also has the sweetest fairy grandbaby this side of Heaven named Sugarwings. And I love her Dorkies, too!!
Posted by
Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents
12:03 AM
sweet angels left comments
Labels: friends, PRH sisters, Seven Wonders Award
Lori at Pink Faded Roses
Vickie at Visuals by Vickie
Bertie at Aunt May's Cottage
Dolly at From My Cherry Heart
Amy at Bunny Rose Cottage
Beth at Gathering Dust
Laurie at Charming Designs
Rhea at Sweet N Shabby Roses
Becca at Of Blue Birds & Roses
Connie at Living Beautifully
Here is hoping that everyone is having a wonderful start to their week! I know I am, thanks to sweet Dionne & Shann!!
Posted by
Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents
8:39 PM
sweet angels left comments
Labels: Nice Matters Award